-Eastern Montana is fairly flat, with grasslands, cattle pastures, and wheat fields. The view gets fairly monotonous after a while. Thank God for the i-pod!
-Yellow mustard flowers, purple alfalfa, and clover grow profusely by the roadsides, so the air has a sweet scent. Also by the road are bindweed, chicory, and several other flowers I don't recognize.
-We see a dozen dead birds by the roadside every day, killed by passing cars. Also dead on the road are prarie dogs, racoons, skunks, even a fox and a turtle. Cars cause carnage. The only thing my bike has hit is a beetle.
Yeah, pictures of the flatlands are interesting, too! Enjoying the updates with photos. Hope the bugs are backing off. Two fires here in Western WA after several days of hot sun. And it's just July 1!
Gesture says it all: Here it is folks - Montana! I remember the vast flat areas from our train trip. -Mom
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